We are so thankful that the twins were blessed and introduced into our church on their birthday. The spirit was so strong and you could really feel it while Lance was giving each son their blessing. It was wonderful to have families from both sides to enjoy this special occasion with us.

Here is Lance and his brother Zac holding the twins after.

Zac and his family and Lance with his. So many Ellett men!

The twins did so good while getting all these pictures taken of them. We are so blessed for having these 2 sweet spirits in our lives.

Yea! It was great to have my mom and Arturo( Nana and Papaw) to be at the blessings, and of course aunt carol;}. Thank you all for helping with this day and making it special for Drake and Dallin.


  1. I love all the have such a beautiful family and the boys just keep getting cuter and are really growing in leaps and bounds...all three of the boys are truly a blessing.

    Aunt Carol

  2. Hey Beth,
    So wonderful to see your pics and know you are doing well. Such a Cute Family! Miss You!
